by Peggy Best | Feb 24, 2022 | military |
Today I am reading and writing about the disciple and apostle John. Jesus loved John. Of course, Jesus loved all his followers (He still does) but the Bible often refers to John as “the disciple Jesus loved.” What does that mean? It means John was special to Our Lord....
by Peggy Best | Feb 24, 2022 | Devotions |
Today I am reading and writing about the disciple and apostle John. Jesus loved John. Of course, Jesus loved all his followers (He still does) but the Bible often refers to John as “the disciple Jesus loved.” What does that mean? It means John was special to Our Lord....
by Peggy Best | Feb 14, 2022 | Blog, Category1
The first Americans came to the North American continent from Asia via the ice land bridge that existed many moons ago. They migrated across Canada, into the area now called the United States, and south to South America. The picture here is of my favorite First...
by Peggy Best | Feb 10, 2022 | military |
Okay, it’s already a full month into the new year and I have done nothing on this site. But, I’ve been busy. I’ve written the drafts for three books and published one with another ready for the publisher. Now I need to get into marketing. I...
by Peggy Best | Jun 9, 2021 | Blog |
Learning something new is not easy at my age. I am a visual learner and need to write everything down, then reread the directions several times before I learn anything. I am also a kinetic learner. I need to feel, see, touch whatever it is I’m...